Speace  Documentary

We develop the text for a book, in the documentary genre, entitled "Towards human and planetary collective speciation".

Nature's project for the speciation of the entire Human Civilization and its habitat (Planet Earth) aimed at the survival of all humans and their improvement-evolution as a result of the necessary adaptation to the five ongoing planetary systemic crises: climate change, environmental crisis, social crisis, economic crisis, health crisis.

Nature wants humans and Planet Earth to evolve to a superior organizational-functional stage by stimulating "collective human and planetary speciation" through genetic reprogramming of all living organisms and their technological hybridization.

From the study of the history of humans and of Planet Earth it is possible to understand the mechanism by which Nature stimulates living organisms to evolve towards higher organizational-functional levels through adaptation-resilience to negative changes in the planetary habitat.

The best feedback has emerged among human organisms, which have achieved a high level of organization and functioning.

This level is about to be overcome thanks to the ongoing adaptation of the entire Human Civilization to the current planetary systemic crises.

If humans manage to reach that evolutionary level in time, they will avoid their own extinction.

The new evolutionary level of humans, which emerges from the analysis of the ongoing adaptation-resilience processes, would result in the bio-technological interconnection between all humans, technologies and Planet Earth, which will result in the emergence of a new "living organism" with superior cognitive abilities.

The brain of this organism will be made up of the minds of all humans and the set of artificial intelligences (AI) interconnected in a collaborative and synergistic way by automated mechanisms (blockchain - smart contract).

The completion of this evolutionary process will bring about a state of functional harmony and, therefore, Peace between all humans and Planet Earth.

SPEACE: "Space for the Pace of PEACE"

To achieve Peace, Human Civilization must necessarily evolve.

Now is the time to change the paradigms on which the organization of the world is based.

To obtain Peace it is necessary to manage all the components of the Planet like an orchestra, therefore an orchestra conductor or an international multidisciplinary scientific team is needed to harmoniously manage the Planet before the global crises make the world unlivable.

Science is necessary for world peace.

Music is necessary for world peace.

Holistic thinking is necessary for World Peace.

Just as happens in a family when such serious crises occur that they cannot be managed by the family nucleus and by the paradigm on which that family has always based its organization, the family resorts to the "tutelary judge"

to protect the family member or the whole family, based on an overall (holistic) analysis of the problems and setting up a new organizational method (new organizational paradigm) of the family in order to safeguard its health and assets, also the human family and the his home (planet earth), having entered a serious crisis caused by climate-environmental change, the covid-19 pandemic, wars, economic-social crisis, requires the intervention of a "tutelary judge" (international multidisciplinary scientific team) who reimpose the now obsolete organizational paradigm on the basis of an overall (holistic) analysis of the problems that cause the "family crisis" of Human Civilization and Planet Earth.

Peace is a state of harmony of any system: Human Civilization is a currently disharmonious system due to the various emerging systemic crises (covid-19 pandemic, wars, climate change, etc.).

Harmony can be achieved by managing the world economy, technologies, natural ecosystems, human society, Governments, state bodies around the world as a single system, since they have reached a critical level of development and interdependence (globalization) such that they need to be managed in a systemic (holistic) way and by applying an adequate organizational paradigm, since the current one is no longer suitable.

To understand the concept of harmony and a holistic system, it can be helpful to take an orchestra and the conductor as an example.

To obtain a harmonious performance, the orchestra must be led by the conductor, all the musical instruments must be tuned in the same way, all the musicians must follow the same rhythm, the same functional score for each musical instrument.

Only if all members of the orchestra, including the director, dobased on an overall, holistic vision of the musical composition to be performed, musical harmony will be obtained.

On the basis of this example, it is possible to understand that to obtain organizational and functional harmony of Human Civilization, therefore Peace, it is necessary that all the components of Civilization (economy, technologies, Planet Earth, etc.), on a global scale, are managed by a "director", according to a systemic-holistic vision of the whole.

The "director" consists of an international multidisciplinary scientific team.

To make it possible to manage the huge and complex mass of world systems and processes as a single "organism", the scientific team will have to be numerous and will have to make use of the necessary and emerging digital 4.0 technologies (internet, cloud computing, quantum computing, blockchain, artificial, virtual reality, IoT, robotics, nanotechnology, biotechnology, etc.), based on the "Technological Fields Theory" (TFT) and on the "Systemic Functional Relationship Theory of Unified Technological Fields" (TSFRUTF), (The "Technological Fields Theory" (TFT) is a reference structure developed in the chatGPT environment (https://chat.openai.com/chat) and designed to provide an overview of the main current technological fields and to analyze the relationships between them, useful tools for take stock of the state of the art of technology and to find innovative solutions to systemic problems.

The "Technological Fields Theory" (TFT) aims to support and guide humans, technologies, technological processes, artificial intelligences and other possible intelligent entities in identifying innovative technological solutions to solve systemic problems of Human Civilization, technologies , the economy, health, science, natural ecosystems, Planet Earth and systems outside Planet Earth. The "Technological Fields Theory" (TFT) is updated according to emerging technological developments.

The technologies and technological processes on which this theory is initially based are: Field 1: Blockchain, tokens, cryptocurrencies, smart contracts; Camp 2: Artificial Intelligence; Field 3: Internet of Things; Field 4: Robotics; Field 5: Cloud Computing; Field 6: Quantum Computing, Quantum Internet, Quantum Computer; Field 7: 5G, 6G; Field 8: Internet; Camp 9: Nanotechnology; Field 10: Biotechnology; Field 11: DNA Data Storage, DNA Data Computing, DNA Data Internet; Field 12: Virtual Reality; Field 13: Gene Editing; Field 14: Cognitive Enhancement; Field 15: Digital DNA for control and orientation of Artificial Intelligences; Field 16: Nuclear Fusion; Field 17: 3D Printing, 4D Printing, Field 18: Smart Materials, nanomaterials; Field 19: Apps, Dapps, Software, Algorithms, Operating Systems; Field 20: Industry 4.0, companies 4.0, laboratories 4.0.

To it are integrated the "TFT tables" functional to improve the structure and functioning of the TFT:

- "Table of Economic, Social, Cultural and Political Processes" (tescp),

- "table of environmental, security, privacy and ethics processes" (tespep),

- "table of evolutionary processes of consumer preferences and market dynamics" (tepcpmd),

- "table of processes of innovation, research and development, regulations and public policies" (tpirdrp),

- "workforce education, training and skills table of processes" (wetstp).

The "Theory of Systemic Functional Relationships between Unified Technological Fields" (TSFRUTF) aims to identify, list, describe, define, analyze the systemic functional relationships of technologies and technological processes of the "Technological Fields Theory" (TFT), and to understand the mechanisms of unification, i.e. of systemic-holistic interdependent connection, of the development processes of such technologies and technological processes.

It is based on the premise that TFT technologies and technological processes are not independent of each other, but are interconnected and often influence each other. These interconnections can be analyzed using different techniques, such as the correlation graph, which allows you to visualize the strength and direction of the relationships between different technological fields. The TSFRUTF aims to understand how these interconnections affect the development of TFT technologies and technological processes and how they can be used to achieve greater technological progress and to solve the systemic crises of planet earth.

The "Theory of Systemic Functional Relationships between Unified Technological Fields" (TSFRUTF) has as its main objective that of studying the systemic functional relationships between the different technologies and technological processes present in the "Technological Fields Theory" (TFT). To do this, the TSFRUTF is based on the analysis of the interconnections and dand the links of systemic-holistic interdependence between the different technological fields present in the TFT. In this way, the TSFRUTF aims to understand how different technologies and technological processes interact with each other and how their interrelationships influence the development and adoption of the same. Furthermore, the TSFRUTF can also help identify opportunities for synergy and collaboration between different technological fields, in order to promote innovation and technological progress.

The "Theory of Systemic Functional Relationships Between Unified Technological Fields" (TSFRUTF) could be used to explore how technologies and technological processes of different technological fields interact with each other and how these interactions can impact the development and adoption of those technologies. It could also be used to understand how the technologies and technological processes of a single field can be influenced by those of other fields and how this can in turn affect the development and adoption of those technologies. Furthermore, the TSFRUTF could be used to identify opportunities for the development and integration of technologies and technological processes within the different technological fields and to identify any obstacles that could prevent their adoption.

The "Theory of Systemic Functional Relations between Unified Technological Fields" (TSFRUTF) is a theory that aims to understand how TFT technologies and technological processes are interconnected and influence each other, forming a complex system that can be seen as a living organism . By analyzing the systemic functional relationships between these technologies, the TSFRUTF can help understand how these technologies can be used together to solve the planet's systemic crises and promote the progress of human civilization.

The TRFSCTU can be used to identify opportunities for synergy and integration between different technologies and technological processes, and to predict the effects of their use on the environment and society.

This theory seeks to understand how these technologies and technological processes can be used together in order to obtain results that can only be achieved through the unification of these technologies and processes. In this way, the TSFRUTF can provide a solid foundation for the innovation and development of technological solutions that can support humans in solving the systemic crises of planet earth and foster the progress of human civilization by managing such technologies by means of an "organizational code- functional" (digital DNA) developed by the collaboration of all the people of the world by the international scientific team.

All the governments of the world, given the serious global systemic crisis underway and in rapid worsening progress, will be able to apply the directives of the international scientific team

guided by the code (digital DNA) that all the people of the world will have created and will modify on the basis of the changes that will occur, to optimize-perfect its application, until reaching the state of functional harmony of the whole Planet Earth, economy, technology and human society, i.e. until the achievement of PLANETARY PEACE.

We will define this evolutionary process "Speace Transition", or transition towards Peace through the speciation of Human Civilization and Planet Earth.

We will define the new living organism, which will emerge at the end of this evolutionary process, with the term "Speace".

Chapter 1: The History of Humans and Planet Earth

Chapter 2: the mechanism by which Nature stimulates living organisms to evolve towards higher organizational-functional levels

Chapter 3: Humans and their evolutionary feedback

Chapter 4: ongoing adaptation of the entire Human Civilization to the current planetary systemic crises

Chapter 5: The Potential Extinction of Human Civilization

Chapter 6: Collective Speciation or Individual Speciation of Humans?

Chapter 7: the bio-technological interconnection between all humans, technologies and Planet Earth

Chapter 8: A new "living organism" with superior cognitive abilities (SPEACE)

Chapter 9: the brain of the new living organism - the digital synergistic union between human, artificial, natural and Planet Earth intelligences

Chapter 10: the state of functional harmony and Peace between all humans and Planet Earth resulting from the ongoing evolutionary process (SPEACE TRANSITION)

The book "Towards Human and Planetary Collective Speciation" explores the evolution process of Human Civilization and Planet Earth towards a new organizational-functional level, through adaptation to the current planetary systemic crises.

The book explores this process of evolution and the crucial role science, technology and holistic thinking play in achieving world peace. The goal is to understand the ongoing process of bio-technological interconnection between humans, technologies and Planet Earth, which allows the emergence of a new "living organism" with superior cognitive capabilities and the creation of a state of functional harmony and of peace.

Through the analysis of historical and current examples of adaptation-resilience, the book demonstrates how humans can develop the skills necessary to face current and future challenges, becoming part of an interconnected and collaborative living organism.

The book also presents the opportunities offered by technological hybridization and the use of artificial intelligence to achieve greater efficiency and sustainability in managing the planet.

The role of music and holistic thinking in creating a culture of global peace is explored, emphasizing the importance of harmony and collaboration for the well-being of all humans and the Planet.

The book "Towards Human and Planetary Collective Speciation" is an essential guide for all who wish to help create a more sustainable and peaceful future for all humans and Planet Earth.

It addresses the issue of collective human and planetary speciation in a scientific way, analyzing the evolutionary mechanisms of Nature and Human Civilization, and offering possible solutions to reach this new level of development. The current planetary systemic crises and the role of science, music and holistic thinking in the harmonic management of the Planet are examined.

The book is aimed at an audience of scientists, musicians, philosophers and anyone interested in understanding the evolutionary mechanisms of Nature and finding solutions for the future of Human Civilization and Planet Earth. With its scientific and holistic approach, the book "Towards human and planetary collective speciation" offers a unique and original vision to face the challenges of our time and create a future of peace and harmony for all.