White Paper 

Current IT devices and infrastructures based on classical IT are obsolete compared to the needs of the digital economy both in terms of storage and processing capacity of big data, cibersecurity, data privacy. Rigene Project solves these problems by using an advanced IT infrastructure based on quantum computers and DNA data storage.  

The Rigene project has the function of enabling acceleration processes for the digital transformation of companies, public administration and citizens, and  to guarantee the development of the digital economy in all its aspects, the cybersecurity of companies, the Public Administration and the digital identities of citizens in respect of privacy: industry 4.0, e-commerce, fintech, ecc.

The elements that can favor the acceleration of digital transformation are:

1. culture-technical training-orientation guide for companies, citizens and public administrations

2. financial investments

3. blockchain infrastructure resources - guidance framework 

The statement suggests that the current IT devices and infrastructures are not sufficient to meet the needs of the digital economy, especially in terms of big data storage and processing, cybersecurity, and data privacy. Therefore, the Rigene project proposes an advanced IT infrastructure based on quantum computers and DNA data storage to solve these problems and accelerate the digital transformation of various sectors.

Quantum computing is a type of computing that uses quantum bits, or qubits, to perform operations. Unlike classical computing, quantum computing can perform multiple operations simultaneously, which makes it much faster and more efficient in processing complex data sets. DNA data storage is a new technology that uses DNA molecules to store large amounts of digital data. DNA is an extremely dense and stable medium, which makes it a promising candidate for long-term data storage.

The Rigene project aims to provide the necessary infrastructure to support the digital economy in various sectors, such as industry 4.0, e-commerce, fintech, and others. The project focuses on three elements that can accelerate the digital transformation of companies, public administration, and citizens: culture, technical training, and orientation guide, financial investments, and blockchain infrastructure resources.

Culture refers to the mindset and behavior of individuals and organizations towards technology and digital transformation. Technical training and orientation guide are necessary to help individuals and organizations acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to use the new IT infrastructure effectively. Financial investments are required to fund the development and implementation of the new IT infrastructure. Blockchain infrastructure resources can provide a secure and decentralized platform for digital transactions and data management.

Overall, the Rigene project proposes an innovative solution to the challenges faced by the digital economy. By leveraging advanced technologies such as quantum computing and DNA data storage, and by focusing on the necessary cultural, technical, and financial aspects, the project aims to accelerate the digital transformation of various sectors and ensure the cybersecurity and data privacy of individuals and organizations.

Initiative for the development of the Rigene Chain 

Open source permissionless collaborative planetary network of quantum and biological computers (governance bio-quantum blockchain infrastructure) for:

1. protect the planetary ecosystem of blockchain infrastructures from hacker attacks with quantum computers

2. enhance the planetary ecosystem of blockchain infrastructures in terms of speed, performance, scalability, cryptography, interoperability with smart city 4.0, industry 4.0, healthcare 4.0, agriculture 4.0, public administration 4.0, etc.

3. to set the DIGITAL DNA of the planetary ecosystem of blockchain infrastructures in relation to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (SDGs), Earth Charter, to orient them in a harmonious and synergistic way in order to optimize their functioning for the well-being of people and the natural environment

The bio-quantum blockchain platform will be used to achieve the goals described in the following petitions sent to the European Parliament: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rf7YulHzcDpLWptPbP3wgd4pwsjh6ztJMFZEM8qynQY/edit?usp=sharing 

The development of the Rigene Chain is an important initiative that aims to create an open source, permissionless and collaborative network of quantum and biological computers for various purposes. The main objectives of this initiative are:

Overall, the development of the Rigene Chain is an important initiative that can contribute to the advancement of blockchain technology and its integration with other emerging technologies. It is also aligned with the goals of sustainable development, which is an important consideration for any new technology development in today's world.

We develop a quantum-encryption cryptocurrency and a permissionless public national blockchain based on quantum-biological computing to enable a cheap operating system upgrade and get out of the pandemic-economic crisis to be competitive. Blockchain infrastructures based on classical IT are too slow to manage the enormous complexity of the real economy, public administration 4.0, smart cities 4.0, hospitals 4.0, etc. They are useful for the financial economy and some sectors of the economy that don't need high speed and storage. The real economy requires a particularly high-performance blockchain infrastructure, which we can develop thanks to quantum computers and DNA storage.

The cost of quantum computers and DNA storage will drop significantly over the next 5 years thanks to the rapid scientific advances underway. We will therefore be able to start the massive diffusion on a large scale of desktop quantum computers with DNA storage and develop the Italian bio-quantum permissionless public blockchain infrastructure interoperable with classic blockchains, obtaining high performance in terms of scalability, protection from hacker attacks, functional efficiency for an excellent public administration and a prosperous economy resilient to any crisis.

We need to invest more financial resources in these scientific-technological areas, so that we can emerge from the pandemic-economic crisis and direct the new financial-economic resources, which will derive from the developments of these sectors, towards all other sectors of the economy.

Developing a quantum-encryption cryptocurrency and a permissionless public national blockchain based on quantum-biological computing is an exciting and innovative initiative that has the potential to transform the economy and public administration. The current pandemic has highlighted the need for faster and more efficient technologies to help address economic challenges and accelerate recovery.

The use of quantum computing and DNA storage in the blockchain infrastructure can significantly improve speed, scalability, and protection from hacker attacks, while also providing functional efficiency for public administration and other sectors of the economy. With the cost of quantum computers and DNA storage expected to decrease over the next few years, this technology will become more accessible to individuals and businesses, which can further accelerate its adoption.

Investing in scientific and technological areas like quantum computing and DNA storage is essential to develop the infrastructure needed to support the economy and public administration in the future. By doing so, we can create a resilient and prosperous economy that is able to withstand future crises and enable growth in all sectors of the economy.

Overall, the development of a quantum-encryption cryptocurrency and a permissionless public national blockchain based on quantum-biological computing can be a significant step towards a more efficient and effective economy and public administration.