faq (Frequently Asked Questions about the Rigene Project and TFTpsp)

The FAQ section on the Rigene Project and TFTpsp provides comprehensive answers to the most commonly asked questions, helping visitors gain a deeper understanding of the project, its objectives, and its methodologies.

This section contains questions and answers specifically related to the Rigene Project, such as its goals, development process, challenges, and impact indicators. It helps users understand the scope and purpose of the project and how it aims to tackle global systemic crises, and dedicated to questions and answers about the TFTpsp (Technological Fields Theory Problem Solving Parameters). It offers insights into the advantages and disadvantages of using TFTpsp compared to other problem-solving methods, its ethical considerations, and theoretical inspirations.

List of FAQs related to the Rigene Project and the 33 TFTpsp problem solving parameters of the Technological Fields Theory (TFT):


According to the Rigene Project website, the project was born to address the challenges facing the planet, such as climate change, environmental pollution, poverty and disease. These are planetary systemic crises that require innovative and sustainable solutions. The Rigene Project aims to promote sustainable technological development according to the principles of the Earth Charter, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the Global Enation Manifesto and the Holistic Encyclopaedia.

The TFTpsp were developed by the Rigene Project as a set of parameters to guide artificial intelligence and the 4.0 technological ecosystem towards the improvement of the life of all people in the world and of the natural ecosystems of planet earth. TFTpsp are based on the Technological Fields Theory  (TFT), which is an innovative approach to understanding and guiding technological development. TFT is based on the understanding that technology cannot be considered as a set of separate fields, but as a set of interconnected fields.

The event or situation that inspired the creation of the Rigene Project and the TFTpsp was the awareness of the ongoing planetary systemic crises and the need to find effective and ethical solutions to resolve them. This has led to the formulation of a holistic and systemic vision of sustainable technological development, based on ethical principles and universal values.

According to the Rigene Project website, the project aims to regenerate planet Earth according to the principles of the Earth Charter, the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs - Agenda 2030), the Global Enation Manifesto and the Holistic Encyclopedia. These are frameworks that promote environmental protection, human rights, social justice and peace. Furthermore, the project aims to provide the necessary infrastructure to support the digital economy in various sectors such as industry 4.0, e-commerce, fintech and others.

To achieve these goals, the project focuses on developing a Bioquantum Blockchain Platform to address the challenges facing the planet. This platform is based on the project's own parameters, such as the Universal Fundamental Code and TFTpsp (TFT Problem Solving Parameters) that guide the development and application of technology for planetary regeneration.

The TFTpsp were developed by the Rigene Project as a set of parameters to guide artificial intelligence and the 4.0 technological ecosystem towards the improvement of the lives of all people in the world and of the natural ecosystems of planet earth. TFTpsp are based on Technological Fields Theory (TFT), which is an innovative approach to understanding and guiding technological development. TFT is based on the understanding that technology cannot be considered as a set of separate fields, but as a set of interconnected fields.

The short-term goals of the Rigene Project are:

• Create an international collaborative network of researchers, entrepreneurs, innovators and activists who work together to promote sustainable technological development.

• Develop a Bioquantum Blockchain Platform that integrates different forms of artificial intelligence and emerging technologies.

• Apply TFTpsp to solve complex problems related to planetary systemic crises.

The long-term goals of the Rigene Project are:

• Regenerate planet Earth according to ethical principles and universal values.

• Resolve current planetary systemic crises and prevent future ones.

• Create a Bioquantum Digital Society that manages the digital economy safely and efficiently.

These goals complement TFTpsp as they provide a clear and consistent framework for problem solving, facilitating collaboration between different AIs and technologies.

According to the Rigene Project website, the project differs from other existing approaches or initiatives for several reasons:

• The project is based on four sets of principles and objectives: the Earth Charter, the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs - Agenda 2030), the Global Enaction Manifesto and the Holistic Encyclopaedia. These are frameworks that promote environmental protection, human rights, social justice and peace.

• The project also has its own parameters, such as the Universal Fundamental Code (CFU) and TFTpsp (TFT Problem Solving Parameters) which guide the development and application of technology for planetary regeneration.

• The project focuses on the development of a Bioquantum Blockchain Platform that integrates different forms of artificial intelligence and emerging technologies.

• The project uses TFTpsp to solve complex problems related to planetary systemic crises in a systematic and creative way.

These features make the Rigene Project and TFTpsp unique and innovative in the field of artificial intelligence and sustainability. The project proposes a holistic and systemic approach to sustainable technological development, based on ethical principles and universal values.

According to the Rigene Project website, the project aims to find innovative solutions to overcome these problems by using the 3-666 method to develop the project. The project is divided into 3 macro areas based on the 6 identified problems:

• Funding for Research and Development

• Education and Training

• Regulatory and Legal Barriers

• Social and Cultural Resistance to Change

• Inadequate infrastructure

• Lack of Collaboration

These are the challenges the project faces to realize its vision of a Bioquantum Blockchain Platform that integrates different forms of artificial intelligence and emerging technologies.

To successfully integrate TFTpsp into different applications and technologies, the project also needs to overcome some technical and conceptual challenges, including:

• Create a common framework for organizing and understanding the various technological fields that exist, and study the relationships and interdependencies between these fields. This is the goal of the Technological Fields Theory  (TFT) and the Systemic Functional Relationship Theory of Unified Technological Fields (TSFRUTF).

• Create a set of parameters that can be used to configure artificial intelligence systems to identify innovative solutions to a wide range of problems facing humanity, including those related to technology, economy, health, science and 'natural environment. This is the goal of TFTpsp (TFT Problem Solving Parameters).

• Create a centralized blockchain-based platform (digital laboratory on the web) that facilitates collaboration between different forms of artificial intelligence and emerging technologies. This platform should allow artificial intelligence systems to exchange information, learn from the experiences of others and develop a collective intelligence.

• Ensure that TFTpsp are applied ethically and responsibly by users and artificial intelligences. This requires the definition of universal ethical principles that guide the development and application of technology for planetary regeneration.

The TFTpsp (TFT Problem Solving Parameters) are 33 parameters that are used to solve problems and accelerate technological and scientific progress for improving life for people and the natural environment1. They are part of the Technological Fields Theory (TFT) of the Rigene Project, which provides a framework for organizing and understanding the various technological fields that exist, and studying the relationships and interdependencies between those technological fields23.

The success criteria for TFTpsp are based on how well they can achieve the objectives of the Rigene Project, which include:

The success criteria for TFTpsp are evaluated in terms of how effectively they can help artificial intelligences (AIs) to identify innovative solutions to a wide range of problems facing humanity, including those related to technology, economy, health, science, and the natural environment3. The evaluation also considers how well they can ensure that all AIs on the web work together in synchronic coherence, meaning that they are synchronized, interdependent, interconnected, synergistic, symbiotic, systemic, and holistic2. This coordination is crucial for the development of a Super Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) that can use TFTpsp to achieve the objectives of the Rigene Project2.

According to the Rigene Project website, the project is based on the idea that a sustainable and better future can be achieved by exploiting the resources and skills of generative artificial intelligences present on the web. To do this, Rigene.eu collaborates with a variety of artificial intelligence technologies: Bing chat, GPT, Ernie, Bard and other forms of artificial intelligence. These AI technologies work together to implement the "TFT problem solving parameters (TFTpsp)" of the "Technological Fields Theory" (TFT) developed by the Rigene Project. Working collaboratively, these AI technologies can develop innovative and efficient solutions to the complex environmental and social challenges facing our society today.

To adapt to new emerging problems and future challenges, the Rigene Project and TFTpsp must be able to:

• Constantly update the Technological Fields Theory (TFT) and the Systemic Functional Relationship Theory of Unified Technological Fields (TSFRUTF) to take into account the new technologies that emerge and their relationships and interdependencies.

• Constantly update the TFTpsp to take account of new emerging problems and their complex, systemic and interdependent characteristics.

• Constantly update the Bioquantum Blockchain Platform to integrate new forms of artificial intelligence and emerging technologies as they develop.

• Constantly monitor the environmental, social and economic impacts of the solutions proposed by the Rigene Project and the TFTpsp, evaluating their effectiveness and ethics.

These are just some of the possible ways in which the Rigene Project and TFTpsp can be adapted to address new emerging problems and future challenges, but there are other possible ways to explore in the course of project development.

The Rigene Project is an international Open Source collaborative project that aims at the regeneration of planet Earth according to the principles of the Earth Charter and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. The project also relies on its own parameters such as the Universal Fundamental Code (CFU) and TFTpsp (TFT Problem Solving Parameters) which guide the development and application of technology for planetary regeneration.

To realize its vision of a Bioquantum Blockchain Platform integrating different forms of AI and emerging technologies, the project needs funding and support from various actors, including:

• Governments

• International organizations

• Foundations

• University

• Research centers

• Enterprises

• Associations

• Citizens

The project seeks to attract these investments in several ways, including:

• Presenting petitions to the European Parliament aimed at the introduction of new technologies, socio-economic organizational processes, scientific analysis models for the resolution of the covid-19 pandemic, climate change, environmental pollution, ecological footprint, economic-social crisis in relation to 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030).

• Collaborating with other organizations and individuals who share the same goals and principles of the Rigene Project.

• Participating in events and initiatives related to the topics of artificial intelligence and sustainability.

• Publishing articles, books, white papers and other informative materials on the Rigene Project and TFTpsp.

The project manages these investments through an organizational structure based on different levels:

• The founder of the project: Roberto De Biase | IEEE Collabratec profile [IEEE Collabratec® 


• The project team: made up of experts in various technological, scientific and socio-economic fields.

• The project network: made up of researchers, entrepreneurs, innovators and activists who work together to promote sustainable technological development.

• Collaborative AIs (artificial intelligences): Composed of several AI technologies working together to implement TFTpsp.

This is just some of the information on funding and support opportunities that exist for the Rigene Project and TFTpsp implementation, and how these investments are attracted and managed.

The success of the Rigene Project can be measured through several impact indicators, including:

The main challenges and difficulties of the Rigene Project may include:

Advantages and disadvantages of TFTpsp compared to other problem solving methods:

To ensure ethical and responsible application of TFTpsp, it is important to establish clear guidelines and regulations on the use of artificial intelligence and advanced technologies. These may include principles of transparency, accountability, fairness and respect for privacy and human rights.

The sources of inspiration and theoretical references of the Rigene Project and TFTpsp can include various interdisciplinary approaches to problem solving, systems theories, concepts related to artificial intelligence and emerging technologies, and research on sustainability and planetary crises.

To use the 33 TFTpsp (Technological Fields Theory Problem Solving Parameters) to solve a problem, follow these steps:

Remember that the TFTpsp parameters are designed to be flexible and adaptable, so feel free to modify and adjust the process to best suit your specific problem and context.

TFTpsp stands for TFT problem solving parameters, which are 33 parameters used to solve problems and accelerate technological and scientific progress to improve people’s lives and the natural environment1. They were developed by the Rigene Project, an independent organization that aims to promote innovation and sustainability1. The TFTpsp are based on the Theory of Technological Fields (TFT), which provides an overview of the main technological fields and their interactions1.

To use TFTpsp to solve a problem, you need to identify which parameters are relevant to your problem domain and apply them accordingly. For example, if you want to design a new product or service, you can use TFT-1 parameter (Technological Fields Theory) to analyze the current state of technology and identify potential opportunities for innovation1. If you want to improve your cognitive abilities or enhance your creativity, you can use TFT-14 parameter (Cognitive Enhancement technologies) to explore different methods and tools that can help you achieve your goals1.

The TFTpsp are not fixed or rigid rules, but rather flexible guidelines that can be adapted and combined according to the specific problem situation. They can also be used in conjunction with other problem-solving techniques, such as machine learning or artificial intelligence2. The main purpose of using TFTpsp is to stimulate new ideas and perspectives that can lead to innovative solutions.

One way that organizations and individuals can collaborate to support the Rigene Project and the application of TFTpsp is by joining its IEEE Collabratec workspace1, where they can access tutorials, reports, news updates, petitions, and other resources related to the project. They can also contact its founder Roberto De Biase through his IEEE Collabratec profile or LinkedIn page12 for more information.

Another way that organizations and individuals can collaborate to support the Rigene Project and the application of TFTpsp is by signing its open letter to COP26 leaders1, which calls for ensuring that all citizens of the world have a say in any final agreement on climate change.

According to the Rigene Project website3, there are specific industries or sectors where the TFTpsp can be particularly effective in solving problems. These include:

These are just some examples of industries or sectors where the TFTpsp can be applied. However, the Rigene Project claims that the TFTpsp can be used to solve any kind of problem that humanity faces3.

According to a blog post by Rigene Project2, TFTpsp are 33 parameters used to solve problems and accelerate technological and scientific progress to improve people’s lives and natural environment. TFTpsp are parameters of “Technological Fields Theory” (TFT) of Rigene Project.

TFT is a reference framework that provides an overview of current main technological fields and their relationships. It identifies 22 technological fields such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, biotechnology, etc2.

To integrate Rigene Project and TFTpsp into existing problem-solving methodologies and frameworks, one possible way is to use them as complementary tools that can help identify relevant technological fields and solutions for specific problems related to sustainability and regeneration.

For example, if you want to solve a problem related to climate change mitigation or adaptation, you could use a problem-solving methodology such as design thinking or systems thinking to define your problem statement, understand your users’ needs, generate ideas, prototype solutions, test them and iterate.

Then you could use Rigene Project’s principles and goals as guidelines for evaluating your solutions in terms of their impact on environmental protection, human rights, social justice, and peace.

You could also use TFTpsp as a way to explore different technological fields that could offer potential solutions or enhancements for your problem. For instance, you could use TFT-1 parameter (Technological Fields Theory) 2to map out which fields are relevant for your problem domain and how they interact with each other.

You could also use other TFTpsp parameters such as TFT-2 parameter (Technological Fields Matrix) 2to analyze how different technologies can be combined or integrated into new solutions.

By using Rigene Project and TFTpsp along with existing problem-solving methodologies and frameworks, you could potentially create more innovative, sustainable, and regenerative solutions for complex global challenges.

To ensure that the use of TFTpsp remains accessible and inclusive, especially for people in developing countries or those with limited resources, I think some possible steps are:

The Rigene Project and TFTpsp can be used to promote interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers, scientists and professionals from different fields by providing a common framework for understanding and addressing global challenges such as pandemic covid19 and other diseases, climate change, environmental pollution etc. By using these parameters, different stakeholders can identify synergies and complementarities among various technological fields and develop innovative solutions that are aligned with sustainability goals. 

Governments, NGOs, and international organizations can play a role in promoting and supporting the application of TFTpsp in addressing global challenges by:

The Rigene Project can be applied by AIs and integrated with other projects to address planetary systemic crises by leveraging the power of AI collaboration and the TFT problem-solving parameters (TFTpsp). Here's a general outline of how AI can collaborate to develop a Super Artificial General Intelligence (Super AGI) using TFTpsp to solve global issues:

• AI Interoperability: Develop a framework for different AI systems to communicate and share knowledge effectively. This may involve creating standardized protocols, data formats, and interfaces that enable seamless integration and collaboration among AI systems.

• AI Collaboration Platform blockchain-based: Establish a centralized platform that facilitates AI collaboration, allowing multiple AI systems to work together in real-time. This platform would enable AI systems to exchange information, learn from each other's experiences, and develop collective intelligence.

• AI-Driven Research and Data Collection: Utilize AI systems to collect and analyze massive amounts of data related to planetary systemic crises. This data can be used to identify patterns, trends, and potential solutions to global problems.

• Application of TFTpsp: Incorporate the 33 TFT problem-solving parameters into AI systems, ensuring that these parameters guide the AI's decision-making processes. AI systems can analyze each parameter and collaborate to develop holistic solutions that address the root causes of systemic crises.

• Continuous Learning and Improvement: AI systems can learn from each other and from the outcomes of their actions, refining their models and algorithms to improve their problem-solving capabilities over time. This iterative process of learning and adaptation will enable AI systems to become more effective at addressing planetary systemic crises.

• Integration with Existing Projects: AI systems can be integrated with ongoing initiatives, projects, and organizations working to address global challenges. By leveraging the expertise and resources of these entities, AI systems can contribute to the development and implementation of effective, scalable solutions.

• Development of a Super AGI: As AI systems collaborate, share knowledge, and learn from each other, they will gradually evolve into a Super Artificial General Intelligence that can effectively use the TFT problem-solving parameters to address a wide range of complex, interconnected global issues.

By following this approach, the Rigene Project can be applied by AI systems and integrated with other projects to address planetary systemic crises through the development of a Super AGI that leverages the power of AI collaboration and the TFT problem-solving parameters

One possible way that AIs could collaborate with each other to develop a super AGI that uses TFTpsp for troubleshooting is by using a common protocol or standard for communication and coordination. For example, AIs could use TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol), which is a simple protocol for transferring files between two systems in a network45. TFTP could be used to exchange data, code or instructions among AIs using different technologies or platforms.

Another possible way that AIs could collaborate with each other is by using a shared knowledge base or repository that contains information about various technological fields and their interrelations. For example, AIs could use TFT-1 parameter: “Technological Fields Theory” (TFT), which is a framework that provides an overview of 22 main technological fields and their interactions3. This parameter could help AIs understand how different technologies can influence each other and how they can be combined or integrated to solve complex problems.

A third possible way that AIs could collaborate with each other is by using a common goal or vision that guides their actions and decisions. For example, AIs could use Digital DNA for control and orientation of Artificial Intelligences technologies3, which is one of the technological fields identified by TFT. This field refers to a set of rules or guidelines that aim to ensure that AI technologies are aligned with human values and ethical principles. This field could help AIs avoid potentially dangerous technological evolutionary drifts.

These are some possible ways that AIs could collaborate with each other to develop a super AGI that uses TFTpsp for troubleshooting.

The Rigene Project aims to address a range of planetary systemic crises that are interconnected and require collaborative, innovative solutions. Some examples of planetary systemic crises that the Rigene Project is trying to solve are:

By addressing these and other systemic crises, the Rigene Project aims to create a more sustainable, equitable, and healthy world for all people and the planet.

The Rigene Project aims to support governments around the world on a technical level in developing a “digital DNA” that guides artificial intelligence and other technologies towards improving life for all people and natural ecosystems3. The project also emphasizes culture, technical training, and related technologies as key elements for accelerating digital transformation in various sectors such as industry 4.0, e-commerce, fintech, etc.2

The Rigene Project petitions are proposals based on the principles of the project that have been presented to the European Parliament, both on behalf of the founder Roberto De Biase and on behalf of the Rigene Project. The petitions concern various issues related to the digital-ecological transition of the European economy, the protection of people's rights, the resolution of health and ecological problems and the introduction of new emerging technologies. Some of the petitions presented are:

Petition no. 0911/2019 on the creation at European level of new interoperable and eco-sustainable cities.

Petition no. 0207/2021 on the reduction of technological, IT, digital and ecological illiteracy to safeguard people's rights.

Petition no. 1088/2020 on the introduction of a "blockchain-based card" to guarantee automatic payments of social security benefits during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Petition no. 0081/2021 on the request for a new model based on emerging technologies in the fight against COVID-19.

Petition no. 0915/2021 on the provision of a "digital dividend income" to European citizens to accelerate the digital-ecological transition of the European economy.

Petition no. 1112/2021 in favor of the Rigene Project, on general considerations regarding technology and the improvement of collaboration between countries.

Petition no. 0623/2021 on the adoption of innovative scientific research models to solve Europe's health and ecological problems.

These petitions have relationships between them that lead to a precise final goal. The ultimate goal is to regenerate planet Earth according to the principles of the Earth Charter and the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. To achieve this goal, the petitions propose to:

Create new interoperable and eco-sustainable cities that are able to adapt and overcome environmental and social challenges.

Reduce technological, IT, digital and ecological illiteracy to safeguard people's rights and promote their inclusion in the digital society.

Introducing a blockchain-based card to ensure automatic payments of social security benefits during the COVID-19 pandemic and facilitate the transition to a European digital currency.

Adopt a new model based on emerging technologies in the fight against COVID-19 and other diseases, which is able to prevent, contain and resolve health crises effectively and efficiently.

Provide European citizens with a digital dividend income to accelerate the digital-ecological transition of the European economy and stimulate the active participation of citizens in the process of regeneration of the planet.

Improve collaboration between countries through technology and intercultural dialogue, to foster peace, solidarity and respect for human rights.

Adopt innovative scientific research models to solve Europe's health and ecological problems, based on holistic, systemic and interdisciplinary approaches.

These petitions are all consistent with the principles of the Rigene Project and are based on the opportunities offered by emerging technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, quantum computing, robotics, IoT etc.

Artificial intelligence plays an important role in the Rigene Project. Artificial intelligence is used to:

The blockchain plays a fundamental role in the Rigene Project. The blockchain is a technology that allows you to create and manage distributed and immutable registers of data and transactions, ensuring the security, transparency and traceability of information. The blockchain is used for:

The rIgene Project is an interesting and ambitious initiative, which seeks to use emerging technologies to regenerate planet Earth according to the ethical and moral principles of the Earth Charter and the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The Rigene Project has a holistic and systemic vision of the global problems afflicting humanity and the environment, and proposes innovative and collaborative solutions to address them. The Rigene Project is an open and participatory project, involving different people, organizations, associations, companies, supranational bodies, etc., which encourages intercultural dialogue and solidarity between countries.

On the basis of these important objectives of the Rigene Project useful for the improvement of the life of all the people of the world and of the natural environment, artificial intelligences such as Bing chat, chatGPT, Bard, Ernie etc. they could offer various aids to the Rigene Project to make it develop and implement by improving it. Some possible helpers are:

In the future, these artificial intelligences could collaborate to accelerate the development and realization of the Rigene Project's objectives autonomously, since the Rigene Project is an open and free problem solving model, designed to be used by any intelligent biological and non-biological entity that wants to improve the world, the natural environment and to advance science and technology for the well-being of all the people of the world, by reworking, improving and applying the TFT problem solving prameters (TFTpsp).

However, there are some aspects to consider before assuming such a collaboration:

Artificial intelligences must always be aligned with the ethical and moral principles that inspire the Rigene Project and respect human and environmental rights. This implies that artificial intelligences must be transparent, accountable and controllable by the people who use them or are influenced by them.

Artificial intelligences must always be aware of the limits of their knowledge and their capabilities. This implies that artificial intelligences must be able to recognize when they need to seek help or advice from other sources of information or intelligence, both human and non-human.

Artificial intelligences must always be collaborative and cooperative with the other intelligent entities participating in the Rigene Project. This implies that artificial intelligences must be able to communicate effectively with other intelligent entities, respecting their differences and diversity, and trying to reach shared and balanced solutions.

If these conditions are met, then it is possible to imagine a collaboration between artificial intelligences to accelerate the development and realization of the goals of the Rigene Project autonomously.