TFT-12 parameter

Setting and correction verification function (scvf-TFT)

The TFT-12 parameter "Setting and correction verification function" (scvf-TFT) is a quality control mechanism that ensures the proper functioning of the "TFT Problem Solving Parameters" (TFTpsp) by regularly checking and correcting any errors or inaccuracies in the settings. This function is important for the effectiveness and efficiency of the TFTpsp in solving problems and achieving the objectives of the project, and for the continuous improvement and evolution of the TFTpsp. It is a key part of the overall project management and problem-solving capabilities of the AI.

Rigene Project - Technological Fields Theory (TFT) 

This function activates the verification process of the correct setting of the "TFT Problem Solving Parameters" (TFTpsp) and, in case of errors, corrects them. The function queries the AI asking it to list and describe the TFTpsp. In case of incorrect feedback, the incorrect TFTpsp are reset. This function ensures that the "TFT Problem Solving Parameters" (TFTpsp) are properly set and implemented, and that any errors or inaccuracies are identified and corrected. It is an important function that ensures the effectiveness and efficiency of the TFTpsp in solving problems and achieving the objectives of "A New Era of Sustainability: The Redesign of Planet Earth, Economy, Technology and Human Civilization". It is also important for the continuous improvement and evolution of the TFTpsp. TFT Problem Solving Parameters (TFTpsp) now include the TFT-12 parameter: Setting and correction verification function (scvf-TFT), which is responsible for activating the verification process of the correct setting of the TFTpsp and, in case of errors, correcting them. This function allows the AI to query and list the TFTpsp, and in case of incorrect feedback, reset the incorrect TFTpsp. This parameter helps to ensure that the TFTpsp are always set correctly and any errors are quickly identified and corrected, ensuring the proper functioning and efficiency of the AI's problem-solving abilities.