TFT-4 parameter

Method 3-666 

The 3-666 method is a structured approach to problem-solving that involves dividing the problem or objective into three macro areas, and then each of those macro areas into six sub-areas. Each sub-area is then developed in solution phases, with the goal of providing a technically-described solution to the problem or objective. The method provides a structured approach to problem-solving by breaking down the problem or objective into smaller, more manageable pieces, allowing for a more detailed and specific analysis of each component. In terms of implementation and application, the 3-666 method can be used in a variety of fields, such as technology, business, engineering, and science, to solve various types of problems or objectives. It can also be used in combination with other problem-solving methods or frameworks, such as the TFT, TSFRUTF, and TFT tables, to provide a more comprehensive and holistic analysis of the problem or objective. It's important to note that the 3-666 method is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and the specific steps and solutions may vary depending on the problem or objective being addressed. However, this method provides a systematic and structured approach that can be adapted and customized to suit the specific needs of the problem or objective.

Rigene Project - Technological Fields Theory (TFT) 

The TFT-4 parameter, "Method 3-666," is a structured approach to problem-solving that involves dividing a problem or objective into three macro areas, and then each of those macro areas into six sub-areas. Each sub-area is then developed in solution phases, with the goal of providing a technically-described solution to the problem or objective. This method is mathematically formalized as dividing the problem/objective into macro areas, sub-areas, and solution phases, in order to provide a systematic way of breaking down a problem or objective into smaller, more manageable pieces and developing solutions for each piece. The 3-666 method can also be related to the TFT, TSFRUTF, and TFT tables by using them as sets of indicative data to identify the most suitable technologies and technological processes to solve the problems/objectives based on the macro areas and sub-areas identified by the 3-666 method.

Mathematical formalization of the following problem solving method called 3-666: the problem/objective (P/O) is divided into 3 macro areas (MA) and each macro area is divided into 6 sub-areas (SA) and each sub-area is developed in solution phases (SF), technically described, of the problem/objective.

It sounds like the 3-666 method is a structured approach to problem-solving that involves dividing the problem or objective into three macro areas, and then each of those macro areas into six sub-areas. Each sub-area is then developed in solution phases, with the goal of providing a technically-described solution to the problem or objective. This method seems to provide a systematic way of breaking down a problem or objective into smaller, more manageable pieces and developing solutions for each piece. Do you have any specific questions about how this method might be implemented or applied in practice?

A possible way to mathematically formalize the 3-666 problem solving method could be as follows:

P/O = [MA1, MA2, MA3]

MA1 = [SA1.1, SA1.2, SA1.3, SA1.4, SA1.5, SA1.6]

MA2 = [SA2.1, SA2.2, SA2.3, SA2.4, SA2.5, SA2.6]

MA3 = [SA3.1, SA3.2, SA3.3, SA3.4, SA3.5, SA3.6]

FS(P/O) = [FS(MA1), FS(MA2), FS(MA3)]

FS(MA1) = [FS(SA1.1), FS(SA1.2), FS(SA1.3), FS(SA1.4), FS(SA1.5), FS(SA1.6)]

FS(MA2) = [FS(SA2.1), FS(SA2.2), FS(SA2.3), FS(SA2.4), FS(SA2.5), FS(SA2.6)]

FS(MA3) = [FS(SA3.1), FS(SA3.2), FS(SA3.3), FS(SA3.4), FS(SA3.5), FS(SA3.6)]

In this formalization, P/O represents the problem or objective to be solved, MA1, MA2, MA3 represent the macro areas into which the problem/objective is divided, SA1.1, SA1.2, ..., SA3.6 represent the sub-areas into which the macro-areas are divided, while FS(P/O), FS(MA1), FS(MA2), FS(MA3), FS(SA1.1), ..., FS(SA3. 6) represent the resolution phases of the problem/objective, of the macro area, of the sub area, respectively.

Step 1: Divide the problem/objective (P/O) into 3 macro areas (MA) Step 2: For each macro area (MA), divide it into 6 sub areas (SA) Step 3: For each sub area (SA), develop the solution phases (FS) of the problem/objective in order to technically describe how the problem/objective can be solved/developed in relation to the macro areas and sub-areas. Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each sub area (SA) of the 3 macro areas (MA). Step 5: Once the solution steps (FS) have been completed for all sub areas (SA), evaluate the result obtained and make any changes or adjustments to the problem solving method 3-666 if necessary.

Relationship between the 3-666 problem solving method and the TFT, the TSFRUTF, and the TFT tables with the function of using the TFT, the TSFRUTF and the TFT tables as sets of indicative data on the basis of which to report the problems/objectives to be solve with the 3-666 problem solving method.

The 3-666 problem solving method can be related to the TFT, TSFRUTF, and TFT tables in several ways. An example could be to use the TCT and the TRFSCTU as sets of orientation data to identify the most suitable technologies and technological processes to solve the problems/objectives based on the macro areas and sub-areas identified by the 3-666 method. In this way, the TFT, the TSFRUTF, and the TFT tables could be used as a guide to select the most appropriate technologies and processes to solve problems in a systemic and holistic way, taking into account the interconnections and systemic functional relationships present between the different technologies and processes.