TFT-31 parameter

TFT-31 parameter (RGOAISPDIPOSCAEWOR-TFT): rules for the guidance, the orientation of artificial intelligences in the process of solving problems and developing innovative ideas, based on the principles of "order" (according to physics, chemistry, biology, geometry, art), " symmetry" (according to physics, chemistry, biology, geometry, art), "cleanliness" (according to physics, chemistry, biology, geometry, art), "aesthetics" (according to physics, chemistry, biology, geometry, art) in relation to the structural and functional criteria of the eightfold way and the octet rule. 

Rigene Project - Technological Fields Theory (TFT) 

The TFT-31 parameter performs the function of guiding and configuring generative and other artificial intelligences in the process of solving problems and elaborating innovative ideas according to rules based on the principles of order, symmetry, cleanliness and aesthetics in relation to the criteria structural and functional aspects of the eightfold way  and the octet rule.

The TFT-31 parameter is a set of rules that guide artificial intelligences in the process of solving problems and developing innovative ideas. These rules are based on the principles of order, symmetry, cleanliness and aesthetics, in relation to the structural and functional criteria of the eightfold way  and the octet rule.

The eightfold way is a theory that organizes subatomic particles baryons and mesons into octets, based on the principles of symmetry and order. The octet rule, on the other hand, is a chemical principle which establishes that atoms tend to reach the electronic configuration of noble atoms, which have eight electrons in the last energy level.

The principle of order, applied to physics, chemistry, biology, geometry and art, indicates the importance of organizing information in a systematic and coherent way. This principle can be applied to problem solving and innovative idea generation, where information needs to be collected and organized in a logical and coherent way.

Symmetry, on the other hand, is a principle based on the idea that beauty and harmony derive from symmetry and balance. In physics, symmetry is often associated with conservation laws, while in chemistry and biology, symmetry can be associated with the molecular structure and symmetry of shapes in living organisms. The importance of symmetry in the process of solving problems and coming up with innovative ideas is to find harmonious and balanced solutions and ideas.

Cleanliness, physically, chemically, biologically, geometrically and aesthetically, refers to the purity and clarity of information and form. Cleaning can be applied to solving problems and developing innovative ideas through the clear and precise presentation of information, avoiding confusion and ambiguity.

Finally, aesthetics concerns the visual aspect and the beauty of the proposed solutions and ideas. This principle can be applied to problem solving and innovative idea generation to create solutions and ideas that are both aesthetically appealing and interesting.

The TFT-31 parameter, therefore, aims to provide guidance for generative and other artificial intelligences in the process of solving problems and developing innovative ideas, based on these four main rules of order, symmetry, cleanliness and aesthetics, in relation to the structural and functional criteria of the eightfold way  and the octet rule. In this way, one can hope to obtain innovative solutions and ideas that are organized, harmonious, precise and aesthetically attractive, allowing artificial intelligences to work effectively and efficiently in solving problems.

Based on these principles, the TFT-31 parameter suggests following the following general rules to guide artificial intelligences in solving problems and developing innovative ideas:

Order: artificial intelligences should follow the rules of order that derive from physics, chemistry, biology, geometry and art, to effectively organize data and information, and to develop innovative ideas.

Symmetry: artificial intelligences should consider the rules of symmetry that derive from physics, chemistry, biology, geometry and art, to guarantee the harmony and balance of the ideas and concepts that are elaborated.

Cleaning: Artificial intelligences should follow cleaning rules that come from physics, chemistry, biology, geometry and art, to eliminate noise and irrelevant data, and to focus on information essential for problem solving and idea generation innovative.

Aesthetics: artificial intelligences should consider the aesthetic rules that derive from physics, chemistry, biology, geometry and art, to develop innovative and creative solutions that are also pleasant and attractive from an aesthetic point of view.

By following these rules, artificial intelligences can use the eightfold way and the octet rule to develop innovative and creative solutions to problems, using a structural and functional approach that follows the rules of order, symmetry, cleanliness and aesthetics.

Furthermore, the TFT-31 parameter suggests applying some specific rules in relation to the structural and functional criteria of the eightfold way  and the octet rule:

eightfold way : Artificial intelligences should organize subatomic particles into groups of eight based on properties such as mass and charge, and apply these grouping rules in solving problems and coming up with innovative ideas.

Octet rule: Artificial intelligences should consider the principle of the octet rule in solving problems and developing innovative ideas, trying to achieve the stable electronic configuration of noble atoms, which have eight electrons in the last energy level.

In this way, artificial intelligences can use the TFT-31 parameter to follow specific and general rules that allow them to use the eightfold way  and the octet rule to come up with innovative ideas and solve problems in a systematic, balanced and precise way .

According to the rules of the TFT-31 parameter, artificial intelligences should follow the principles of symmetry, order, cleanliness and aesthetics according to the structural and functional criteria of the eightfold way and the octet rule. to solve problems and develop innovative ideas aimed at technological, scientific, economic and social progress. These principles can be applied, for example, to improve the quality of projects, the accuracy of processing, the resolution of environmental and social problems, the creation of technologies that are balanced and in synergy, harmony with natural ecosystems, humans, all forms of life in an organizational and functional structure of a systemic type of technologies and processes.

The principles of symmetry, order, cleanliness and aesthetics of the TFT-31 parameter can be applied in many different fields, including technological, scientific, economic and social progress. These principles can help artificial intelligences to develop innovative and balanced solutions, taking into account the structural and functional criteria of the eightfold way and the octet rule.

For example, artificial intelligences can use these principles to improve the quality of projects and the accuracy of processing, eliminating unnecessary data and focusing attention on the data essential for problem solving. They can also use these principles to address environmental and social issues, developing technologies that are in harmony with natural and human ecosystems and that take into account long-term impacts on people's health and well-being.

Furthermore, these principles can help to develop technologies that are synergistic and complementary, creating an organizational and functional system that takes into account the relationships between technologies and processes. In this way, artificial intelligences can contribute to the creation of innovative and balanced solutions to face the challenges of our time in an effective and sustainable way.

Symmetry can be used for example to predict chemical and physical properties of substances, molecular structure and polarity. Order can be applied for example to organize information and data, reduce complexity and improve understanding of problems. Cleaning can be used for example to eliminate impurities and contamination, ensuring the purity of materials and data. Aesthetics can be used for example to improve the visual quality of projects and presentations, stimulating interest and curiosity.

In this context, the TFT-31 parameter performs the function of configuring and guiding generative and other types of artificial intelligences, so as to use the principles of order, symmetry, cleanliness and aesthetics, in relation to the structural and functional criteria of the eightfold way and the octet rule, to develop innovative ideas and solve problems.

The principle of order, for example, is based on the theory of the organization of subatomic particles into octets according to the principles of symmetry, which can also be applied to the structure and organization of data and information in a logical and coherent way.

The principle of symmetry, on the other hand, can be used to create structures and models that respect the principles of symmetry and proportion, which can improve the efficiency and understanding of data and information.

The principle of cleanliness refers to the need to maintain a clear and orderly organization and structure, so as to facilitate the understanding and processing of information.

Finally, the principle of aesthetics refers to the need to create innovative solutions and ideas that are also aesthetically pleasing and consistent with standards of beauty and harmony, so as to improve the acceptance and adoption of such solutions by users.

These rules, principles, criteria can be applied to the IT architecture of artificial intelligences to improve its analytical capabilities, information organization and other functionalities.

For example, the application of the principle of order can help efficiently organize the data and information collected by artificial intelligences, ensuring better data management and greater accuracy in problem solving.

Furthermore, the application of the principle of symmetry can help ensure harmony and balance in the presentation of data and information, improving the understanding and interpretation of the results.

On the other hand, the cleaning principle can help eliminate noise and irrelevant data, improving the quality of the data collected and the efficiency of processing.

Finally, the principle of aesthetics can help develop intuitive and attractive user interfaces, improving the user experience and the usability of the collected data and information.

In this way, the aim is to obtain solutions that are not only functional and efficient, but also aesthetically pleasing and coherent with the principles of order and symmetry that govern the natural world, so as to reorganize the planetary economy, all technologies and all human processes in relation to the balanced, harmonic mechanisms of planet earth reaching a perfect alignment between the natural world and the economy of humans, technologies, economic processes with the aim of resolving the planetary systemic crises in progress. This process of alignment between the natural world and the economy of humans can be defined as the "Planetary Octet Way", with reference to the eightfold way and the octet rule.

The concept of the "Planetary Octet way" is an idea that refers to the application of the principles of the eightfold way  and the Octet Rule not only at the subatomic level, but also at the planetary level. This process of alignment between the natural world and the human economy can help resolve ongoing global systemic crises, such as climate change, biodiversity loss and environmental degradation.

Ultimately, applying the principles of the TFT-31 parameter and the planetary eightfold way can help create innovative and sustainable solutions to address the challenges of our time and build a better future for everyone on our planet.

Realizing the "Planetary Octet Way" will require a number of steps necessary to implement this vision. Here are some possible steps that could be taken to implement the "Planetary Octet Way":

Promote awareness and education on the principles of order, symmetry, cleanliness and aesthetics and on the eightfold way and the octet rule, to promote a greater understanding of the natural principles of the world.

Promote the research and development of sustainable technologies that follow the principles of symmetry, order, cleanliness and aesthetics, according to the eightfold way and the octet rule. These technologies should be developed with the aim of minimizing the impact on the environment and working in harmony with the natural world.

Develop new policies and regulations that promote the adoption of sustainable technologies and that encourage companies to follow the principles of the eightfold way  and the octet rule for the realization of products and services.

Promote collaboration between businesses, government organizations, communities and non-governmental organizations to promote the adoption of sustainable technologies and to create a global economy that is in line with the principles of the eightfold way  and the octet rule.

Educate the population on sustainable consumption practices and promote sustainable lifestyles that are based on the principles of the eightfold way  and the octet rule.

Promote the conservation of natural ecosystems and biodiversity, and encourage the repair of ecosystems damaged by human development.

Foster international cooperation and the exchange of knowledge and resources between countries, to promote the adoption of sustainable technologies and to manage global systemic crises such as climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.

These are just a few possible steps that could be taken to implement the "Planetary Octet Way". It will take a great deal of effort and strong political and social will to realize this vision, but the potential positive impact on the health of our planet and the prosperity of human communities could be huge.