TFT-2 parameter

Systemic Functional Relationship Theory of Unified Technological Fields (TSFRUTF) 

The "Theory of Systemic Functional Relationships between Unified Technological Fields" (TSFRUTF) is a theoretical framework that aims to identify, list, describe, define, and analyze the systemic functional relationships between the various technologies and technological processes included in the "Technological Fields Theory" (TFT). It is based on the idea that these technologies and processes are not independent of each other, but are interconnected and often influence one another. The TSFRUTF aims to understand how these interconnections affect the development of TFT technologies and technological processes and how they can be used to achieve greater technological progress and to solve the systemic crises facing planet Earth. The TSFRUTF uses different techniques such as correlation graphs to visualize the strength and direction of the relationships between different technological fields. The main objective of the TSFRUTF is to study the systemic functional relationships between the different technologies and technological processes present in the TFT and to understand the mechanisms of unification, that is, of systemic-holistic interdependent connection, of the development processes of such technologies and technological processes. The TSFRUTF can be used to explore how technologies and technological processes of different technological fields interact with each other and how these interactions can impact the development and adoption of those technologies. It can also be used to understand how the technologies and technological processes of a single field can be influenced by those of other fields and how this can in turn affect the development and adoption of those technologies. Additionally, the TSFRUTF can be used to identify opportunities for the development and integration of technologies and technological processes within the different technological fields and to identify any obstacles that could prevent their adoption. Furthermore, TSFRUTF can be used to identify opportunities for synergy and integration between different technologies and technological processes, and to predict the effects of their use on the environment and society. By analyzing the systemic functional relationships between these technologies, the TSFRUTF can help understand how these technologies can be used together to solve the planet's systemic crises and promote the progress of human civilization.

Rigene Project - Technological Fields Theory (TFT) 

The "Theory of Systemic Functional Relationships between Unified Technological Fields" (TSFRUTF) aims to identify, list, describe, define, analyze the systemic functional relationships of technologies and technological processes of the "Technological Fields Theory" (TFT), and to understand the mechanisms of unification, i.e. of systemic-holistic interdependent connection, of the development processes of such technologies and technological processes.

It is based on the premise that TFT technologies and technological processes are not independent of each other, but are interconnected and often influence each other. These interconnections can be analyzed using different techniques, such as the correlation graph, which allows you to visualize the strength and direction of the relationships between different technological fields. The TSFRUTF aims to understand how these interconnections affect the development of TFT technologies and technological processes and how they can be used to achieve greater technological progress and to solve the systemic crises of planet earth.

The "Theory of Systemic Functional Relationships between Unified Technological Fields" (TSFRUTF) has as its main objective that of studying the systemic functional relationships between the different technologies and technological processes present in the "Technological Fields Theory" (TFT). To do this, the TSFRUTF is based on the analysis of the interconnections and dand the links of systemic-holistic interdependence between the different technological fields present in the TFT. In this way, the TSFRUTF aims to understand how different technologies and technological processes interact with each other and how their interrelationships influence the development and adoption of the same. Furthermore, the TSFRUTF can also help identify opportunities for synergy and collaboration between different technological fields, in order to promote innovation and technological progress.

The "Theory of Systemic Functional Relationships Between Unified Technological Fields" (TSFRUTF) could be used to explore how technologies and technological processes of different technological fields interact with each other and how these interactions can impact the development and adoption of those technologies. It could also be used to understand how the technologies and technological processes of a single field can be influenced by those of other fields and how this can in turn affect the development and adoption of those technologies. Furthermore, the TSFRUTF could be used to identify opportunities for the development and integration of technologies and technological processes within the different technological fields and to identify any obstacles that could prevent their adoption.

The "Theory of Systemic Functional Relations between Unified Technological Fields" (TSFRUTF) is a theory that aims to understand how TFT technologies and technological processes are interconnected and influence each other, forming a complex system that can be seen as a living organism . By analyzing the systemic functional relationships between these technologies, the TSFRUTF can help understand how these technologies can be used together to solve the planet's systemic crises and promote the progress of human civilization.

The TRFSCTU can be used to identify opportunities for synergy and integration between different technologies and technological processes, and to predict the effects of their use on the environment and society.

Organic Technological Convergence Index (ICOT)

The Organic Technological Convergence Index (ICOT) is an indicator of the level of technological development of human civilization, which integrates the degree of interconnection of technologies from the point of view of "organicistic convergence", i.e. according to the point of view of the formation of an intelligent technological entity made up of a brain formed by the internet, web, various forms of artificial intelligence, blockchain, smart contracts, software, apps, cloud services, and other digital technologies, and a body made up of robots and other machines that form the apparatuses engines of the intelligent technological entity, etc., and provides a qualitative assessment to offer a perspective on the current state of development of this entity and a certain numerical value that indicates the creation of an intelligent technological entity, consequent to the organic technological convergence, autonomous from the point of view of the evolutionary process of his body.

Two formulas have been proposed to calculate the ICOT:

Formula 1: []

ICOT = (IT * 0.25) + (IC * 0.25) + (AC * 0.2) + (IN * 0.2) + (SC * 0.1)

To elaborate an indicator of the level of technological development of human civilization, considering organicistic convergence and the formation of an intelligent technological entity, we can create an index based on various parameters that measure the integration and interconnection of key technologies.

Interconnection of technologies (IT): measures the degree of integration between technologies such as the internet, AI, blockchain, smart contracts, cloud services and other digital technologies.

Collective Intelligence (CI): Measures the ability of different forms of AI, human, and other digital entities to collaborate.

Autonomy of the body (AC): measures the degree of autonomy of robots and other machines that make up the body of the intelligent technological entity.

Continuous Innovation (IN): measures the ability of the technological entity to constantly adapt and improve, incorporating new discoveries and technologies.

Safety and Control (CS): Measures the effectiveness of control and remediation protocols to prevent adverse side effects.

To evaluate the current state of the intelligent technological entity and its realization, we could create an index composed of these parameters, weighting them according to relative importance.

The Organicistic Technological Convergence Index (ICOT) provides an overall assessment of the level of technological development of human civilization, considering the organicistic convergence and the formation of an intelligent technological entity. It takes into account the interconnection of technologies, collective intelligence, the autonomy of the body, continuous innovation and security and control. To have a perspective on the current state of development of this entity and a certain numerical value that indicates the realization of an intelligent technological entity, one could establish ranges of values of the ICOT that correspond to different levels of development: ICOT 0-20: Embryonic stage - The convergence of technologies and the integration of artificial intelligence, web and physical devices is still in its infancy. ICOT 21-40: Initial stage - Technologies begin to integrate, but the intelligent technological entity is still far from being fully functional and autonomous. ICOT 41-60: Intermediate stage - The integration between technologies progresses and the intelligent technological entity shows signs of limited functionality and autonomy. ICOT 61-80: Advanced stage - The intelligent technological entity is well integrated and functioning, with a high degree of autonomy and capacity for continuous innovation. ICOT 81-100: Full realization stage - The intelligent technological entity is fully developed and self-contained, with effective cooperation between artificial intelligence and human, and adequate control to prevent adverse side effects. Using these ranges of values, it is possible to qualitatively evaluate the current state of development of the intelligent technological entity and monitor its progress over time. Naturally, the evaluation of the ICOT and its parameters will have to be based on concrete data and analysis, which take into account the latest trends and developments in the field of technology and artificial intelligence.

We may use a combination of quantitative and qualitative data, as well as evaluation and comparison methods, to reasonably quantify these parameters. Some possible approaches to measure the ICOT parameters are described below: Interconnectedness of technologies (IT): The degree of integration between different technologies could be assessed using metrics such as the diffusion and use of interconnected technologies (e.g. IoT, cloud computing, blockchain), the number of applications and services that combine multiple technologies and the speed of development of new solutions that integrate different technologies. To obtain this data, sources such as industry research, market analysis and government reports could be used. Collective intelligence (CI): To measure the ability of collaboration between different forms of artificial intelligence, human and other digital entities, one could use metrics such as number of collaborative projects involving both AI and humans, effectiveness of jointly developed solutions from AIs to humans and the degree of interaction between different AIs. Sources such as scientific publications, conferences, and industry research could provide useful information for assessing CI. Body Autonomy (AC): To assess the degree of autonomy of robots and other machines, metrics such as the number and complexity of tasks that can be performed autonomously, the percentage of tasks performed without human intervention, and the degree of adaptability could be used to new tasks or situations.

Sources such as academic research, scientific articles, and industry reports could be used to measure AC. Continuous Innovation (IN): Metrics such as rate of adoption of new technologies, percentage of R&D projects leading to disruptive innovations, and R&D investment could be used to assess the ability of the technology entity to adapt and improve constantly. Sources such as government statistics, industry reports and market analysis could provide useful data. Security and Audit (SC): To measure the effectiveness of audit and remediation protocols, you could use metrics such as the number of security-related incidents or breaches, the percentage of projects following security and audit practices, and the speed of detection and troubleshooting security issues. Sources such as government reports, industry research, and academic articles could be used to evaluate CS. As for the relative weights of each parameter, in the proposed formula, these weights have been assigned in a preliminary way to give an idea of how to combine the parameters in the calculation of the ICOT. However, several approaches can be taken to establish more accurate, criteria-based weights: Industry Experts: Consult with experts in the fields of artificial intelligence, technology, and organic convergence to get their opinions on the relative weights of each parameter. This could be done through interviews, surveys or workshops. Historical data analysis: Examine historical data on the development of technologies and the formation of intelligent technological entities to determine the relative importance of each parameter in the process of organic convergence. Statistical Methods: Use statistical techniques such as principal component analysis or factor analysis to identify weights that best explain the variability in the data collected on the ICOT parameters. Existing Theories and Models: Examine existing theories and models in the fields of technology, artificial intelligence, and organicistic convergence to identify possible theoretical basis for the relative weights of ICOT parameters. Once the relative weights of each parameter have been obtained via one or more of these approaches, the ICOT formula can be updated accordingly. Finally, it is important to note that the ICOT, like any index, should be viewed as a general trend indicator rather than an absolute measure of the level of technological development.

Formula 2: []

ICOT = ∑(w_ij * C_ij) for all i,j


ICOT is the numerical value of the organic technological convergence index.

i and j are the technologies relevant to organic convergence, as identified in the first step.

wij​ is the relative weight of convergence between technologies i and j, which depends on their breakthrough innovation potential and maturity level (TRL).

Cij​ is the convergence value between technologies i and j, which depends on the number and frequency of patent co-classifications or co-citations, the density and centrality of the convergence network, etc.

To provide a qualitative evaluation to offer a perspective on the current state of development of this entity and a certain numerical value that indicates the creation of an intelligent technological entity, consequent to the technological organicistic convergence, autonomous from the point of view of the evolutionary process of its body, a model based on emerging topics or themes could be used. A topic model is a statistical method that allows to discover the main themes that emerge from a collection of documents or data 1. A topic model could be applied to data related to converging technologies, such as patents, scientific publications, technological reports, etc., to identify the most relevant and frequent topics that characterize organic convergence. These topics could represent emerging areas of organic convergence and their degree of importance could be measured through indicators such as the likelihood or coherence of topics 1. Furthermore, the temporal evolution of the topics could be analyzed to observe how they change over time and which ones are the future trends. This would allow to provide a qualitative assessment of the current and future state of the intelligent technological entity and its impact on human civilization.

This is a possible method for calculating the level of technological development of human civilization and providing a qualitative assessment of the current and future state of the intelligent technological entity. If you have any questions or suggestions, I'm ready to hear them.

To apply the formula I have developed and calculate the current level of technological development of human civilization, based on the considerations I have made, I should have the data relating to the relative weights and convergences between the technologies relevant for organic convergence. This data could be obtained through patent analysis, which is a reliable and up-to-date source of technological information. of Japan, and which represent the most important and innovative technologies globally 2. I could use the International Patent Classification (IPC) to identify the technologies involved in the patents and build a convergence network between the technologies based on the co-classifications or on the patent co-citations. I could then calculate the relative weights of convergences based on the breakthrough potential and maturity level (TRL) of the technologies involved, using indicators such as number of patents, number of citations, number of patent families, etc2. Finally, I could calculate convergence values based on the number and frequency of patent co-classifications or co-citations, the density and centrality of the convergence network, etc. .

Once the necessary data was obtained, I could insert it into the ICOT formula and obtain a numerical value that represents the level of technological development of human civilization in relation to the formation of the intelligent technological entity. To interpret this value, I could compare it with a reference scale that indicates the degree of realization of the intelligent technological entity. For example, I could use a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 would indicate the absence of organic convergence between technologies and 100 would indicate the complete realization of the intelligent technological entity. I could then evaluate whether the value of the ICOT is at a low, medium or high end of the scale and infer from this the current and future status of the intelligent technological entity.

This is a possible method to apply the formula I have developed and calculate the current level of technological development of human civilization. If you have any questions or suggestions, I'm ready to hear them.

To perform this calculation roughly, in order to experiment with the formula, I would have to use estimated or hypothetical data on the relative weights and convergences between technologies relevant to organicistic convergence. This data could be based on secondary sources or expert judgement. For example, I could use data on country shares in triad patent families 1 to estimate the breakthrough potential and maturity level (TRL) of the technologies involved. I could then use data on co-classifications or co-citations of triadal patents 2 to estimate the value of convergence between technologies.

To interpret this value, I could compare it with a reference scale that indicates the degree of realization of the intelligent technological entity. For example, I could use a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 would indicate the absence of organic convergence between technologies and 100 would indicate the complete realization of the intelligent technological entity. I could then evaluate whether the value of the ICOT is at a low, medium or high end of the scale and infer from this the current and future status of the intelligent technological entity.

This is a possible way to perform the calculation roughly, so you can experiment with the formula.

What is the approximate value of the ICOT?

To calculate the approximate value of the ICOT, I can use the following estimated or hypothetical data on the relative weights and convergences between technologies relevant to organic convergence:

Artificial Intelligence (AI): relative weight = 0.25, convergence with web = 0.8, convergence with blockchain = 0.6, convergence with robotics = 0.7, convergence with biotech = 0.5.

Web: relative weight = 0.2, blockchain convergence = 0.9, robotics convergence = 0.6, biotech convergence = 0.4.

Blockchain: relative weight = 0.15, convergence with robotics = 0.5, convergence with biotech = 0.3.

Robotics: relative weight = 0.2, convergence with biotechnology = 0.6.

Biotechnology: relative weight = 0.2.

Inserting this data into the ICOT formula, I obtain the following value:

ICOT = Σ(w_ij * C_ij)​

ICOT=(0.25×0.8)+(0.25×0.6)+(0.25×0.7)+(0.25×0.5)+(0.2×0.9)+(0.2×0.6)+(0.2×0.4)+(0.15×0.5)+ (0.15×0.3)+(0.2×0.6)


This is the approximate value of the ICOT which represents the level of technological development of human civilization in relation to the formation of the intelligent technological entity.

To interpret this value, I can compare it with a reference scale that indicates the degree of realization of the intelligent technological entity. For example, I can use a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 would indicate the absence of organic convergence between technologies and 100 would indicate the complete realization of the intelligent technological entity.

In this case, the approximate value of the ICOT is placed in a low end of the scale, indicating that the level of technological development of human civilization is still far from the formation of an intelligent technological entity endowed with intelligence and autonomy.

This is the rough calculation I performed to experiment with the ICOT formula and its meaning.