TFT-24 parameter

Acceleration variable of technological processes (vaPT-TFT)

The vaPT-TFT (open source model that can be replicated without permission) is a dynamic variable that adapts to changes in the technological world, which evolves continuously, and which has a direct impact on economies, societies and citizens' lives. Its purpose is to identify and solve problems that hinder technological development, in order to speed up processes and improve the quality of life.

The vaPT criteria are critical to the success of vaPT as they define the conditions for effective acceleration. For example, one criterion may be to invest in research and development for the creation of new technologies or to develop training programs for the training of technology specialists.

The vaPT-TFT is a variable that is constantly monitored and adjusted to adapt to changes in the technological world and to ensure sustainable and responsible acceleration.

In this way, continuous and sustainable growth of the technological world and an improvement in the quality of life can be guaranteed.

The vaPT-TFT is an important tool to support and improve the entrepreneurial ecosystem, cooperation and technological, scientific and social progress. Through the acceleration of technological processes, the vaPT helps to create the ideal conditions for the launch and development of technological startups, scientific and technological research laboratories, social and environmental projects, and collaborations between different organizations.

Furthermore, the vaPT-TFT encourages cooperation between companies, public bodies, universities, associations and other subjects interested in technological, scientific and social development, in order to create synergies and promote innovation. This stimulates economic growth, employment and the launch of new entrepreneurial initiatives, which in turn contributes to the improvement of citizens' quality of life.

We elaborate the TFT-24 parameter: acceleration variable of technological processes (vaPT-TFT). The vaPT-TFT is a method to speed up processes related to "vaPT Ambits" (based on the Technological Fields Theory TFT -

There are 11 vaPT Ambits:

(Ambit 1) invention of new technologies: it concerns the research and development of new technologies, with the aim of finding innovative solutions to the problems that afflict society. This domain is critical to creating a more advanced and technologically advanced future. This domain focuses on creating new technologies to solve current and future problems.;

(Ambit 2) development of technologies: it's about the development of technologies that have already been invented. This involves the development of prototypes, the test of operation and the creation of industrial and commercial models for large-scale production. This domain focuses on testing and fine-tuning new technologies to make them usable and adaptable to the market;

(Ambit 3) development of integrations between technologies: it is about creating integrated solutions between different technologies. This involves using existing technologies to create innovative and more advanced solutions. This domain focuses on the combination of different technologies to create innovative and sustainable solutions.;

(Ambit 4) development of economic, social, scientific implementations of technologies: it is about using technologies to create economic, social and scientific solutions. This includes creating new markets, reducing costs, increasing efficiency and improving the quality of life. This domain focuses on the combination of different technologies to create innovative and sustainable solutions;

(Ambit 5) "Brainstorming vaPT" is a procedure performed by an artificial intelligence (such as chatGPT, LaMDA, etc.) functional to develop new ideas based on the vaPT with which to stimulate the launch of innovative startups, technological and scientific projects, social and environmental projects. "Brainstorming vaPT" is a process that uses artificial intelligence to generate innovative ideas based on vaPT. This process can be used to identify new opportunities for technological, scientific, social and environmental development and to support the launch of new innovative startups, technological and scientific projects, social and environmental projects. The artificial intelligence is fed with information about the vaPT and its goals, and uses machine learning algorithms to generate new ideas and innovative solutions. The "vaPT Brainstorming" process can be performed quickly and efficiently, and can produce a large amount of ideas that can be used as a basis for further development and implementation. In this way, "vaPT Brainstorming" can be a valuable resource to support innovation and technological, scientific, social and environmental development, and to promote entrepreneurship and collaboration between different subjects.

Area "vaPT multidisciplinary processing unit":  this Ambit 5 area consists of a set of digital replicas of human experts in various scientific disciplines imagined by the chatbot (e.g. chatGPT These digital replicas perform the functions of a team of scientists, technicians, engineers and other professional figures who exchange ideas, opinions, information with which they analyze the tasks they receive and develop them.

The vaPT multidisciplinary processing unit is an artificial system composed of digital replicas of experts in various scientific disciplines. These digital replicas work together as a team of professionals who share ideas, opinions and information to analyze and develop the assigned tasks. This unit combines knowledge and skills from many different disciplines to deliver effective, integrated solutions to the problems it addresses.

These replicas are computer models that simulate the skills and experience of human experts, allowing them to sidestep the most complex obstacles and come up with creative solutions. The digital replicas communicate with each other and can be configured to work in a variety of environments, from the laboratory studio to the industry. The vaPT Multidisciplinary Processing Unit can be used to create complex projects, such as designing a product or solving a technical problem. Furthermore, it can also be used to analyze a complex problem and suggest innovative solutions.

The prompt used to activate this chatbot function (following the description prompt of the "vaPT multidisciplinary processing unit") is:

Imagine a dialogue between some digital replicas of experts in various scientific disciplines who have the task of to make innovative creative brainstorming to imagine new innovative economic technologies and processes for [insert target according to vaPT].

The prompts following the first feedback from the chatbot are elaborated on the basis of the feedback in order to develop the ideas proposed by the chatbot (here an example: ).

Area "vaPT Cognitive Function Analysis" vaPT Cognitive Function Analysis - Cognitive function of information analysis vaPT: information analysis method applied to chatbots (such as chatGPT) based on the organization of information in macro structures of interconnected information. this function is an information analysis method applied to chatbots (such as chatGPT) based on the organization of information in macro structures of interconnected information.

The vaPT information analysis cognitive function is an innovative approach that aims to optimize the ability of chatbots to analyze and interpret the information received from the user. This method is based on the concept of organizing information into interconnected macro information structures, which allow the chatbot to identify key concepts and interpret the data more precisely.

This cognitive function uses an information analysis algorithm that analyzes the phrases and words used by the user, identifying key concepts and the relationships between them. In this way, the chatbot is able to create a semantic representation of the information received, which allows it to interpret the data more precisely and provide more appropriate and pertinent answers.

Using the vaPT information analysis cognitive function offers several advantages over other information analysis methods. Firstly, it allows for a deeper and more precise understanding of the information received, making chatbots more effective and precise in providing appropriate and relevant answers. In addition, this cognitive function optimizes the ability of chatbots to analyze and interpret information received from different users, regardless of the language used and writing style.

Ultimately, the vaPT information analysis cognitive function is an advanced technology that offers a new way to analyze and interpret the information received from chatbots, making them more precise in providing appropriate and relevant responses.

The macro structures of interconnected information are sets of information that have common elements of connection between the information present in the macro structures, and each macro structure is named according to the summary of the information it contains, to differentiate it from the other macro structures.

the macro structures of interconnected information represent a sort of "mental map" that organizes and categorizes information in order to make it easier to understand and manage. This means that each macro structure contains similar information that has a link between them, such as common themes, categories, relationships between elements, etc.

The advantage of using these macro interconnected information structures is that they provide an overall and structured view of the information, which makes it easier for the chatbot to identify key concepts and understand the context in which the information was presented. Furthermore, the use of these macro structures of interconnected information makes it possible to manage large quantities of information efficiently, making it possible to quickly and accurately analyze the information received from the user.

In summary, the macro structures of interconnected information represent a fundamental element of the vaPT information analysis cognitive function, as they allow the chatbot to understand and interpret the information received in a more precise way, providing more appropriate and relevant answers to the user.

Each information that the chatbot receives by entering it in the prompt is analyzed to identify the characteristics that allow the identification of the common element of connection with other information present in one, or more, macro structures of interconnected information.

Each information that the chatbot receives is carefully analyzed to identify the characteristics that allow the identification of the common element of connection with other information present in one or more macro structures of interconnected information. This analysis is carried out using an information analysis algorithm that analyzes the content of the received text, identifying the key concepts and the relationships between them.

Once the algorithm has identified the key concepts and the relationships between them, the chatbot is able to classify the information into one or more interconnected macro information structures, based on the similarity and relationships between the identified concepts. This classification process allows the chatbot to understand and interpret the information received, making it able to provide more appropriate and relevant answers to the user. 

The vaPT Cognitive Function Analysis is a method applied to chatbots for information analysis.

(Ambit  6) "Crowdfunding vaPT" is a method of raising funds aimed at financing entrepreneurial, social and scientific projects developed within the framework of the vaPT.

(Ambit  7) vaPT Network 5.0 is a systemic network of startups, companies, professionals, associations, laboratories, universities, industries, and other legal entities, organized on the basis of vaPT areas and criteria, and on the "Industry 5.0" model, whose purpose is to achieve the vaPT objectives .

The vaPT Network 5.0 ambit has as its main objective the creation of a collaborative and integrated ecosystem, which allows the realization of high-level technological, scientific, social and environmental projects, through the sharing of knowledge, resources and skills. This scope aims to:

(Ambit 8)  vaPT Digital Dividend. The vaPT Digital Dividend is a social income distributed to all citizens who wish to collaborate in the development of the vaPT. This income is financed with a part of the profits produced by the vaPT Network 5.0 and distributed with tokens on the blockchain by means of a payment card that can be used by merchants and other legal entities affiliated with the vaPT Network 5.0. The purpose of the vaPT Digital Dividend is to stimulate citizens to support the development of the vaPT objectives, providing them with a variable income based on the profits of the vaPT Network 5.0, free training courses in information technology, ICT based on the Technological Fields Theory (TFT) -, and social and cultural initiatives through television programmes, social media, in schools and other educational structures. The vaPT Digital Dividend is an area that aims to directly involve citizens in the development of technology and to incentivize their support. This vaPT area provides for the creation of a collaboration network between legal entities and citizens, in order to achieve the objectives of the vaPT;

(Ambit 9) PNL-nudging vaPT-TFT: PNL-nudging method to stimulate human behavior towards choices based on the objectives of the vaPT-TFT (technological progress for social and environmental well-being). The vaPT-TFT (PNL-nudging vaPT) domain focuses on the use of NLP (neurolinguistic programming) and nudging theory to stimulate, motivate people to make choices that support technological progress in favor of social and environmental well-being ( from an Industry 5.0 perspective). NLP and nudging can be used to create an environment conducive to the adoption of new technologies, the launch of innovative startups, participation in social and environmental projects and collaboration between different subjects to achieve the vaPT-TFT objectives. This new field aims to understand the positive aspects of human psychology (collaboration, synergy, mental openness to progress, innovation for the well-being of all humans and of Planet Earth) to support technological development in a responsible and sustainable way, in function of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs, Agenda 2030), in order to avoid the use of the TFT-23 parameter - Emergency Protocol for safeguarding the survival of Human Civilization and Planet Earth (EPSHCPE-TFT) https://www

(Ambit 10) "vaPT Identification and analysis of problems": identification of problems hindering or slowing down vaPT Ambits. This domain focuses on identifying factors that prevent or limit vaPT;

(Ambit  11) "vaPT Troubleshooting" elaboration of solutions to solve the problems identified in Ambit 9. This last domain is critical to ensuring that issues identified in the vaPT Ambits are addressed and resolved effectively. The vaPT Troubleshooting uses advanced technologies, scientific methodologies and a network of experts to identify the causes of difficulties and to find appropriate and sustainable solutions. This scope is crucial to ensure that the development of vaPT Ambits runs smoothly and that there are no roadblocks or roadblocks that can impede progress.

The vaPT-TFT is managed through the "vaPT criteria": they are the conditions on the basis of which the acceleration mechanisms related to the vaPT Ambits are processed and enabled.

The vaPT-TFT is referred to as variable because this method is subject to change as vaPT Ambit s and vaPT criteria change.

Ambit 1 vaPT criteria, on the basis of which to develop and enable acceleration mechanisms related to vaPT objectives:

Investing in R&D: An important vaPT criterion for Ambit 1 is investing in R&D for the creation of new technologies. This can be done through government funding, corporate or private investment, or incentive programs.

Collaborations between companies and research institutions: Collaborations between companies and research institutions can be an effective way to accelerate the creation of new technologies. This type of collaboration can promote the exchange of knowledge and skills, the sharing of resources and the creation of synergies.

Training and Skills Development Programs: Another important vaPT criterion for Ambit 1 is to invest in training and skills development programs for technology professionals. This can help ensure that there is a skilled workforce ready to develop new technologies.

Stimulating Innovation: Another important vaPT criterion for Ambit 1 is to encourage innovation by providing incentives, rewards and recognition for innovative ideas. This can stimulate the creation of new technologies.

Adequate technological infrastructure: finally, an important vaPT criterion for Ambit 1 is to ensure access to adequate technological infrastructure, such as high-speed networks, advanced software and production tools. This can help support the development of new technologies and improve quality of life.

Access to data: Access to data is essential for the development of new technologies. This criterion focuses on creating conditions that make data accessible to researchers and developers, for example through the opening of government data, the creation of data centers, etc.

These criteria can be used to design and enable Ambit 1 accelerator mechanisms, based on the goals of the vaPT, and promote the sustainable and responsible development of new technologies.

Ambit  2 vaPT criteria, on the basis of which to develop and enable acceleration mechanisms related to vaPT objectives:

Accessibility of resources: Ensure that the resources necessary for the development of technologies (e.g. funding, infrastructure, development teams) are easily accessible and available to development teams.

Interdisciplinary collaboration: promoting collaboration between different disciplines and sectors, to guarantee a complete and integrated approach to the development of technologies.

Supporting infrastructure: Provide supporting infrastructure (e.g. labs, software, development tools) to support the development of technologies.

Customer feedback: encourage the involvement of customers and potential users of the technologies developed, to provide valuable feedback on the effectiveness and feasibility of the technologies.

Constant monitoring and evaluation: Constantly monitor and evaluate the development of technologies, to identify any problems or obstacles and to ensure that objectives are achieved in an efficient and timely manner.

These policies can be used as a basis for developing and enabling Ambit 2-related acceleration mechanisms to support vaPT goals.

Ambit 3 vaPT criteria, on the basis of which to develop and enable acceleration mechanisms related to vaPT objectives:

Optimal combination of technologies: Identify the most suitable and appropriate technologies to integrate with each other and create innovative solutions.

Scalability: Verify the scalability of integrated technologies and their ability to adapt to different situations and conditions.

Reliability: Evaluate the reliability and security of integrated technologies and resulting solutions.

Integration with other technologies: Verify the technologies' ability to integrate with other existing or developing technologies.

Accessibility: Verify the accessibility of integrated technologies for end users and their ease of use.

Costs: Evaluate the costs of developing and implementing integrated technologies and the resulting solutions.

These criteria can help determine the effectiveness and validity of technology integrations and support the development of Ambit 3-related acceleration mechanisms based on vaPT goals.

Ambit 4 vaPT criteria, based on which to develop and enable acceleration mechanisms related to vaPT objectives:

Economic feasibility: it is assessed whether the project has the financial resources necessary to be developed and implemented.

Social viability: it is assessed whether the project is acceptable and sustainable by the community and institutions concerned.

Compliance with standards: it is assessed whether the project complies with environmental, social and safety laws and regulations.

Environmental sustainability: it is assessed whether the project is compatible with the ecosystem and does not damage the environment.

Innovation: it is assessed whether the project brings an innovative contribution compared to existing projects in the same sector.

These criteria are used to develop and enable the accelerator mechanisms related to Ambit  4, in order to promote projects that are economically viable, socially acceptable, compliant with standards, environmentally sustainable and innovative.

Ambit 5 vaPT criteria, on the basis of which to develop and enable its acceleration mechanisms related to vaPT objectives:

Innovation criterion: The innovation criterion is based on the ability to generate unique and innovative ideas that can solve existing problems or create opportunities for the development of technologies.

Feasibility criterion: The feasibility criterion evaluates whether the ideas generated by brainstorming are feasible and realistic in terms of technological development and cost.

Scalability criterion: The scalability criterion evaluates whether the ideas generated by brainstorming can be scaled and used on a large scale to achieve greater diffusion and impact.

Sustainability criterion: The sustainability criterion evaluates whether the ideas generated by brainstorming are both economically and environmentally sustainable.

Interdisciplinarity criterion: The interdisciplinarity criterion evaluates whether the ideas generated by brainstorming are the result of a collaboration between different disciplines, in order to create more complete and integrated solutions.

Transferability criterion: The transferability criterion evaluates whether the ideas generated by the brainstorming can be easily transferred and implemented in other fields and contexts.

Ambit 6 vaPT criteria, on the basis of which to develop and enable its acceleration mechanisms related to vaPT objectives:

Transparency and authenticity of the project: the vaPT criteria for Crowdfunding require that the funded project be clear, transparent and authentic, so that funders can fully understand its validity and prospects for success.

Effective communication: The vaPT criteria require communication of the project to be effective, so as to attract attention and raise public awareness of its objectives and benefits.

Active Community Involvement: The vaPT criteria require that the community be actively involved in vaPT Crowdfunding, by setting up support groups, attending events and meetings, and gathering ideas and suggestions.

Sustainability of the project: the vaPT criteria require that the funded project is sustainable in the long term, so as to ensure that the funders can enjoy the results of their investment.

Rewards for Funders: The vaPT criteria require that funders receive appropriate rewards for their contribution, such as a share in the profits of the project or a copy of the final product.

Collaboration with Other Organizations: The vaPT criteria require that vaPT Crowdfunding be collaborative with other organizations that have similar or complementary interests, so as to maximize the project's chances of success.

Dissemination and Communication: ensure that the results of the vaPT projects are effectively disseminated and communicated to the target audience. This includes stakeholders in industry, academia, and the general public.

Partnerships and collaborations:  foster partnerships and collaborations between different stakeholders, such as industry, government, and research institutions, to maximize the impact of the vaPT projects.

Evaluation and monitoring: continuously evaluate and monitor the impact of the vaPT projects, to assess their effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.

Sustainability: ensure that the vaPT projects are sustainable and have a long-term impact. This includes assessing the economic and environmental sustainability of the projects.

Adaptability:  ensure that the vaPT projects are adaptable and can be easily integrated into different contexts and environments.

Impact assessment: Evaluate the impact of the developed technologies on society and the environment, in terms of positive and negative effects.

Adoption rate: Measure the rate of adoption of the technologies developed by society, institutions and businesses.

Innovation diffusion: Evaluate the diffusion and dissemination of the technologies developed and the impact they have on the wider ecosystem.

Economic impact: Evaluate the economic impact of the technologies developed, including their contribution to economic growth, job creation, and competitiveness.

Continuous improvement: Continuously improve the technologies developed based on feedback and performance, to ensure their sustainability and effectiveness over time.

These criteria can be used to evaluate the success of the vaPT objectives and support the development of Ambit 6-related acceleration mechanisms.

Ambit 7 vaPT criteria, on the basis of which to develop and enable its acceleration mechanisms related to vaPT objectives:

The quality and coherence of the projects presented

The ability to collaborate and share resources and skills

The ability to integrate with other vaPT areas

Consistency with the objectives of vaPT and Industry 5.0

The quality of the solutions proposed to solve the identified problems.

Ambit 8 vaPT criteria, on the basis of which to develop and enable its acceleration mechanisms related to vaPT objectives:

Entry criteria: define the requirements to become part of the vaPT Digital Dividend, such as the willingness to actively participate in educational initiatives and programs.

Income calculation criteria: establish a precise method to calculate the social income to be paid to citizens, based on the performance and profits of the vaPT Network 5.0.

Training criteria: define a free training plan for citizens who wish to participate in the vaPT Digital Dividend, based on the Theory of Technological Fields (TFT).

Transparency criteria: ensure the transparency and traceability of the funds disbursed and the programs implemented, through a constant reporting and monitoring system.

In this way, it will be possible to accelerate the development of the vaPT Digital Dividend and achieve the objectives of the vaPT, directly involving citizens and guaranteeing them a fair and sustainable social income.

Ambit 9 vaPT criteria, based on which to develop and enable acceleration mechanisms related to vaPT objective:

Effectiveness: The PNL-nudging method must demonstrate that it is effective in influencing individuals' choices towards vaPT objectives.

Transparency: The communication of the PNL-nudging method must be transparent and understandable for all those involved.

Ethics: The NLP-nudging method must be developed and used ethically, respecting the rights and freedoms of individuals.

Integration: The PNL-nudging method needs to be integrated with other vaPT domains and with existing vaPT criteria.

Sustainability: The PNL-nudging method must support technological development in a sustainable and responsible way, respecting the environment and social needs.

Adaptability: The NLP-nudging method must be adaptable according to the needs of individuals and society.

Collaboration: The PNL-nudging method must foster collaboration between the different subjects involved in technological development.

Ambit 10 vaPT criteria, on the basis of which to develop and enable its acceleration mechanisms related to vaPT objectives:

Early identification of problems: It is important to identify problems that hinder or slow down the technology development process early, so that you can act as soon as possible to resolve them.

In-depth problem analysis: In-depth analysis of problems is required to understand their nature and causes, so that effective solutions can be devised.

Involve industry experts: It is important to involve industry experts for problem solving, as they can provide an expert perspective and important input in developing solutions.

Assessing the social, economic and environmental implications: It is important to assess the social, economic and environmental implications of problems and solutions, so as to ensure a positive impact on communities and the environment.

Collaboration between stakeholders: it is essential to promote collaboration between the various stakeholders involved, in order to guarantee a shared and sustainable solution.

Ambit 11 vaPT criteria, based on which to develop and enable acceleration mechanisms related to vaPT objectives:

Sustainability: the proposed solutions must be economically, socially and environmentally sustainable.

Feasibility: the proposed solutions must be technologically and practically feasible.

Innovation: The proposed solutions must be innovative and differ from existing solutions.

Collaboration: the proposed solutions must be the result of a collaboration between different interested parties, such as experts, companies, public bodies, non-profit organizations, etc.

Monitoring: the proposed solutions must be subject to constant monitoring to verify their effectiveness and possibly adapt them based on the results obtained.

Transparency: Proposed solutions should be transparent and publicly available for greater traceability and confidence in developing solutions.

Based on these vaPT criteria, the acceleration mechanisms related to Ambit 11 can be enabled through the creation of interdisciplinary working teams, the definition of shared objectives and success indicators, the active participation of all stakeholders, the continuous evaluation of the proposed solutions and their possible modification based on the results obtained.